Send us Your CV

    Tim Southworth – 25 year work anniversary

    What initially attracted you to IPS?
    The people.
    IPS felt like a business where I would continue to be an insurance specialist and have a career as an insurance specialist, just as a Recruiter rather than a Broker. My boss on offering me the role told me that he would be water skiing that weekend and that I could call him on his mobile if I had any questions. In 1998 owning a mobile phone and going water skiing fitted with my aspirations to be Harry Enfield’s loads of money character. Not that Jeremy Cross ever used the words “loads of money”.

    How has IPS changed over the past 25 years?
    The business has evolved rather than changed. The focus is still on strong relationships, delivery and ensuring we have a brand that leads to people wanting to talk to us; it is just that the methods of achieving this have evolved from paper based advertising to online branding, advertising and engagement. Still drinking lots of coffee and tea with people as well.

    How would you describe the culture and environment?
    Supportive, encouraging, allowing you to find your way. The opposite to micro management. Fantastic if you are self motivated and willing to take ownership of your own activities and planning.

    What is your most fun memory?
    Definitely not home schooling. I always enjoyed the summer parties, which generally involved a good dose of activity and then an even bigger dose of food and booze.





    Nikki Durack

    Marketing Coordinator

    Nikki joined the London Office in 2012 as a Receptionist and progressed to become Marketing Coordinator. She is responsible for planning, implementing and monitoring a company's Marketing strategy in order to increase brand awareness, improve Marketing efforts and increase sales. Why did you join IPS? Was registered as a candidate…